Although today was a productive day for the house, I felt disappointed because I did not get to doing any sewing. Did all the chores around the house, such as changing linen and towels, washing, ironing and cleaning. By the time I had finished, it was four and we went in to town for a couple of necessities, followed by a coffee and a bite to eat. I promised myself that I will get stuck into it tomorrow early and finished the seven outstanding blocks so that I can get onto the smaller blocks - which I am looking forward to.
Pretty late now, so I am off to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep!
Keep well and warm regards
I am so happy it is Friday today. Been a busy but constructive week at work with lots of things ticked off as done.
Did not get to work on the blocks last night - my candle light was not shining that bright and I just felt washed out. I must admit, I was going to try and do just one block but thought that I better not force myself to do something that I really enjoy when tired. It just makes me so much more eager to get stuck into it now! Cannot wait to switch the sewing machine on!
I better do some wifely duties over the weekend as well like ironing, dusting and washing the floor but that should not take me too long (only the ironing might).
My interest in quilting has opened up a whole new window of opportunites and discovery. Just doing an internet search on quilting, patters, patchwork, etc results in a box full of places of interest to visit - which I do.
I am going to have to live for a very, very long time in order to do everything I like but I am sure that this is the problem every craft person encounters. There are too many things of interest to fit into one person's lifetime! Anyway, I sure am going to give it my best shot LOL
Well, that is all from me for now. Take care and warm regards
.. and another four blocks completed last night. Now I have just six to go and then I can move on to another part of the quilt. Stitching the pieces together is just so relaxing. It may be very monotonous but somehow I do not find that boring as each block bring me nearer to completion!
I am slowly counting down the days to Saturday, 20 February. That will be like going to heaven! It will be the first get-together for quilters at Sally's house and, believe me, I am really looking forward to it.
If possible, I am going to try and complete the last few blocks this evening and can then start on the smaller ones. At least those are not so many in numbers and they are half the size which means it may, I repeat, may go faster. Sometimes smaller things take longer as they are more fiddley. Will find out soon enough.
My other hobbies have not been getting much attention lately. Sad about that but our new bedroom suite is due mid to end-February and I have a long way to go before I can say that I am finished with this quilt! But I'll give it my best shot anyway.
Warm regards
Wednesday morning at work wishing I was a home working on my quilt. I managed to do another four blocks last night and now only have a dozen left of the large log-cabin blocks to do. When that is done, I will move onto the smaller blocks and complete those.
When I go into what I now call My Sewing Room, it is like entering a total different world. Somehow, all the worries of the world is left at the door and I enter 'freedom'. I get totally absorbed into what I am doing and do not actually think about anything at all, other than what I am doing. I actually dream about how I would like the room to look like - just sewing things and not as a back-up second bedroom.
I will be looking for a decent plastic to cover the mattress in so that it can be moved into the garage. That will give a bit more space. Johan currently has his ginger beer brewing (alcoholic) in this room as well and the whiffs of ginger beer crosses my nose every now and then while bubbling.
I will try to remember to take some photos of the blocks to put up here.
Take care and warm regards
Did no sewing at all today and I am probably going to be angry at myself later in the week but I was just too involved in going through the quilting magazines I bought over the weekend. Needless to say, I was oohing and aaahing on every other page and wanting to do every pretty quilt I came across. I must, however, be strong and stay focussed! I am dying to move on from the large log cabin squares to another part of the pattern but do not wish to rush any work as then the unpicker will probably be used quite often.
I've come across some stunning fabric sites but have to lock my credit card away from myself at this moment in time LOL One item at a time for now, or at least until I get to understand more about what is involved in quilting. I think if I had to get involved in too many projects, the 'lure' of seeing progress in my latest project may loose its appeal and I most certainly not like that to happen.
Am looking forward to 20 February - it will be a quilters feast at Sally's house. I cannot wait! I feel like a little child waiting for Christmas to arrive!
Must get more organised so that I do not forget my studies either! Am currently doing a Certificate in Business Administration and enjoying that as well. I know - you will probably all think that it does not take much to satisfy me LOL No comment ......
Got my computer sorted out as well and I can now read my new quilting and embroidery DVDs that I got! WooHooo Best I bid you adieu for now.
Warm regards
Why another blog, you may ask. Well, I think I needs to keep my hobbies separate and try to keep track of what I do, when I do it and hear what others think of it. I enjoy trying my hand at many things and even if I only give it a go once, at least I know that I have tried it and can always decide later whether I liked it enough to go back later to give it another try. Having tried my hand at numerous crafts, I have to admit that, at times, I stop to think - Who am I? Where have I come from? How did I get here?
So, what have I tried so far? Now let me see ...
Sewing, embroidery (including ribbon-embroidery), cross-stitching, knitting, macrami, rug hooking, tapestry, miniatures, dollhouses, wooden boat building (scale model of the Bismarck in progress), making biltong and boerewors ('jerky' and 'sausages' for all non-South Africans) - and now: quilting! And this was something I always said was not for me. Just shows you how wrong one can be OR how little you know yourself!
How I got 'infected' with quilting is another story on its own. I have the pleasure of working with two highly talented quilt artists; Sally W and Mary-Jane A. Two great ladies, each specialising in her own area; however, lovely Sally always brought her projects into work for me (and others) to have a look at. This was not an action of bragging or rubbing it under your nose - I looked at it as sharing their talent with those who appreciate people who use their talent, and expand on it. I always appreciate these gestures of them, little knowing just how deep the 'seeds' have been sown LOL.
I started my first quilt lesson on 5 January, 2010 - it was only a beginner's quilt - the size of a lap quilt. Wednesday, 6 January, 2010, I finished sewing the quilt and that Saturday I finished hand-sewing the binding on the edges. In the meantime I had seen a number of patters on the web that I found interesting - and bought - and saw some incredible material that I liked - and bought. My stock is growing and so is my stash (I think I might feint if I saw both Sally and Mary-Jane's stash!) - and also my quilting knowledge.
Having bought myself an Elna 8600 for my birthday in October 2009, all I needed for quilting were some extra attachments to get me on my merry way! Now I feel quite invinsible - nothing can stop me (just the budget!).
So, not only to share my journey with this new hobby, but also to find out just who I am and where I belong in the craft world, I will be keeping track of my doings. I cannot predict the outcome, nor will I try to speculate. All I know is that I need to try and find me!
You are welcome to give advise - good advise is always welcomed - and suggestions to try this or try that.
I look forward to this adventure.
Warm wishes