
Mother and Child

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Sleepy yet Awake

Don't you just hate it when you wake up in the night and cannot get back to sleep?  No matter how hard you try to get back into sleep-mode, it eludes you!

Here I am, 4 in the morning and wide awake, yet tired and dying to get to sleep.  Aaargh! 

Sleep ...... I wanna sleep .......

or maybe

sleeeeep ..... your eye lids are getting heavy ........ you try to keep them open but you can't ......... they close .......... your breathing is becoming deeper and more rhythmic ........ you relax your toes ...... you relax your feet ........ you re ...... Oh Sh!t, this is not working!

Phew, Paxton (my dog), that is a very baaaaad whiff you let off ..... that does it, I'm off to bed and you can stay here in the study ....... back door is open ...... no peeing in the house.  See you in the morning.

Warm regards 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ta Shirls! I think I really need the break! I'm not coping real good at the moment!

I love the book. Thank you so much!



Sally's Stuff

PS - you post "no reply" on my blog so I had to come and find you!!!! Hugz